Paralysis refers to the loss of muscle function and is usually accompanied by sensory loss in the affected area. It’s usually caused by damage to the central nervous system especially the spinal cord. Causes include stroke, trauma, nerve damage, polio, multiple sclerosis, etc. Paralysis can occur either partially or fully. Lower half paralysis is called paraplegia and paralysis of both arms and legs is called quadriplegia. It happens because the brain can’t send messages to the different parts of the body for various reasons. If the nerve fibres are damaged the paralysis is usually irreversible.
Due to malfunctioning of Thyroid/Parathyroid gland and later on other endocrine glands e.g. malfunctioning of Pineal gland leads to retention of water and excess water in the body and leads to excess fat.
1. Underworking of Sex glands mainly in ladies after delivery of a Child
2. Overeating i.e. taking more calories than required by the body.
3. After the delivery of the baby or operation for sterilization there is a great possibility of the lady putting of fat (obesity) because sex glands are disturbed.
Acupressure treatment on all endocrine glands will help to reduce weight.
In general, having 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day will help most women lose weight safely.
In general, having 1,200 to 1,600 calories a day will help most men lose weight safely.
One of the most commonly experienced speech disorders is stuttering.
Other speech disorders include:
1. Apraxia: a motor speech disorder caused by damage to the parts of the brain related to speaking
2. Dysarthria: a motor speech disorder in which the muscles of the mouth, face or respiratory system may become weak or have difficulty moving.
Some people with speech disorders are aware of what they would like to say, but are unable to articulate their thoughts. This may lead to self-esteem issues and the development of depression. If treated early, these conditions can be corrected.
Martial Art's Acupressure release muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood and the body’s life force to aid healing.
For correcting of this problem:-
It is necessary to give Acupressure treatment on all the endocrine glands and specially treatment on Pancreas glands, the Pancreas will be activated.